Thursday, November 25, 2010

Pre-Organize Your Meals So You Don't Succumb to Advertising Ploys

Rotate Roster

Every household has their regular meals that they rotate every couple of weeks. Even still, getting it down on paper can make the difference between remembering to take the mince from the freezer or ending up with McDonalds again. Print it out from a computer - (like I do to hide messy handwriting.) An example below:

Double Quantities

I swear by the old 'double quantity preparation to have two consecutive nights. Admittedly my hubby wasn't thrilled about the prospect of regularly eating the same thing two nights running, considering he was used to a different meal every night made by his motheras he was growing up. But times have changed! He soon got over this when he saw how much more I time I had with the kids and him and less washing up for him too!

Quick Check

Have a quick look at your Menu Roster at the start of the week and it will prompt you to make a few decisions about the upcoming week and what you actually need to buy for it to go smoothly.Then grab your pre-printed Shopping List and 'Bob's your Uncle' (sorry to our non- Australian subscribers - it's an Aussie term for "Everything will work out great!" You will have all your ingredients and will have more time relaxing not making a quick dash to the supermarket to get a couple of things you forgot.

Pre- printed Shopping List

Keep your Menu Plan with all the usual ingredients you may need - adding any special infrequent items on the back. Put it somewhere everyone can add to -fridge/telephone table etc.

Freeze Freeze Freeze

The freezer is a great time and money saver but try not to over-rely on it and eat as much fresh food as possible. As with anything - maintain a balance.

Mix it up

I tend to steer clear of the old steak and three Vege's option, opting for Meat and Vege's mixed together because I prefer the flavor more, and if you have kids then this is more palatable. My kids actually love spinach would you believe - due to not having to eat it on it's own as it makes all the difference!


Tuna & Coconut Milk Rice Bake

Curried Vegetable Filo Pastries

Chow Mien

Chilli Concarne

Roast and Vege's

Nacho's / Taco's


Plum Sauce Beef Stir Fry

Smoked Salmon & Spinach pasta (with olive oil & garlic)

Jamie Oliver's Roasted Pumpkin, Chives and Feta Risotto

Now you can rest assured the week will go more smoothly because you've give meals some quick thinking time, then acted on it by buying what you need and therefore know you won't unexpectedly not have a vital ingredient. Happy cooking!

"Organize your life" to create space and time for you and those you love. Ensure you have the balance in management of yourself, Family, Home, Work, and Finance in your daily routine.

Author - Claire McFee

This is one of a handy set of "how to articles" accompaniment to the "Organize your life system", which in simple terms is a complete set of headed lists from the main areas of our lives, Family, Home, Work, Finance, Personal, each list comes with tips and links to manage every thing from the mundane to the most important.

For change to occur in your life; you must take action beyond downloading this article, you must read it, then set yourself an easy to follow plan. Then "Do It"

Claire loves helping people achieve a healthier more balanced life though better organization and also through preventative health measures.

Claire has a lot of success with publicity for her business including being featured on TV several times, plus numerous feature articles in news papers and magazines of note.

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